Legion of Christ College of Humanities

March 2024

Trazando los Laberintos de la Confianza en Otelo de William Shakespeare

Muy estimado William Shakespeare, Reciba un cordial saludo esperando se encuentre bien. Es para mí un placer poder escribirle a través de esta carta. En el vasto escenario literario sus obras se erigen como monumentos atemporales que iluminan las complejidades del alma humana. Sé que no son pocas las obras que usted ha escrito, no

Trazando los Laberintos de la Confianza en Otelo de William Shakespeare Read More »

Study for “Angst” (Anxiety) by Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch, “Angst” (Anxiety) 1896, litograph, 22 1/2 × 16 9/10 in. (|57.2 × 43 cm), Yale University Art Gallery, Special Exhibition: Munch and Kirchner: Anxiety and Expression.   Last Thursday, February 29th, 2024, a group of brothers attended the temporary exhibition, Munch and Kirchner: Anxiety and Expression, at the Yale University Art Gallery with

Study for “Angst” (Anxiety) by Edvard Munch Read More »

The Triangular Aspect of Machado de Assisi: How does the Figure of a Triangle Help to Comprehend and Know his Works

Introduction Triangles are one of the most used figures to express an idea, a feeling, or a tension. It gives stability and simplicity, but at the same time is perfect for relationships and dynamics, what makes it an ideal way to express something between three entities, concepts, groups, ideas, and how they interact between them.

The Triangular Aspect of Machado de Assisi: How does the Figure of a Triangle Help to Comprehend and Know his Works Read More »