Legion of Christ College of Humanities

Degree Requirements

Associate of Arts

Legion of Christ College offers a two-year Associate of Arts degree in Humanities. To be awarded the degree, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits of undergraduate work, at least 30 of which must be earned at the College. It entails:

  1. Completing at least 60 credits of work with a 2.5 grade point average
  2. Passing all required examinations.

A. General Education Requirements (26 credits)

Humanities8 credits
Social Sciences6 credits
Languages6 credits
Mathematics and Natural Sciences6 credits
Total26 credits

B. Specific Requirements (34 credits)

Humanities14 credits
Social Sciences10 credits
Languages8 credits
Mathematics and Natural Sciences2 credits
Total34 credits

C. Capstone Thesis and Comprehensive Oral Examination

During the last semester, a Capstone Thesis of 15-20 pages is to be submitted at the end of the last semester of the Humanities program. In addition to the written thesis, the student must present it orally in the context of an official academic act or another setting as determined by the faculty.

Before graduation, the students give proof of their ability to communicate what they have learned in a comprehensive oral examination, in addition to the usual final semester exam in each subject.

D. Modern Languages

The instruction language at the College is English. Students who are not native English speakers should prove their capacity to perform college level studies in the English language by means of a thorough oral and written examination as determined by the Academic Dean. In the case of lacking proficiency in English, remedial English (ESL = English as a Second Language) must be taken and successfully passed in the course of the first semester.

Furthermore, each student must acquire proficiency in Spanish, the official international language of the Legionaries of Christ. The College offers multiple opportunities for the practice of the Spanish language. If needed, a Spanish course will be offered during the last semester before graduation, which may be counted towards the Foreign Language requirement. Some Literature and Communications classes may be given in Spanish.